There will probably be times in your life when you’re not sure what to do with your money or what decisions you need to make about your financial future. There are thousands of different financial products on offer and choosing between them can be difficult.
Citizen Advice provide information to help you understand the difference between advice and guidance and the advice process. Like most things it pays to shop around and speak to a different Independent Financial Advisers as there can be large difference in fees they charge. It’s difficult to compare advice fees so getting an idea from a few different advisers can really help.
At Parker Kelly Financial Services we aim to look after your interests first and provide fully independent financial advice. We offer competitive initial fees for people with smaller pension savings or investment savings who want ongoing advice on the management of their pension or investment.
The first meeting is at no cost and we will answer any questions you have regarding the service we offer.
When looking for advice it’s important to be aware that there are a lot of scams and fraudsters who will target you and are using Covid-19 and the market instability as a reason.
One tactic is to guarantee high investment returns. This is a hallmark of fraud. High returns generally involve high risk. If someone guarantees you astronomical returns with no risk, the person is lying. Remember that if an investment sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
Further information can be found on The Pension Regulator’s website and regarding scams and you can contact us if you would like a second opinion on a pension or an investment.